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Filtering by Tag: photography

Of the West — Photographer Taylor Dalton

Ben Ashby

These days we all consume a lot of screen time, too much time, but that is the nature of the world we live in. I’ve been on Instagram for well over a decade now and it isn’t often that someone stops me in my tracks with their storytelling and their work. Taylor Dalton (@tdcameraman) stopped me with his work. His visuals and narratives of the American west evoke a more rugged and often times more authentic life. His focus on cowboy culture lured me in as much as his images of the national parks. There is an inescapable quietness to his work that feels void of modernity and embraces a world without markers of the modern frenetic world.

A few days ago I asked Taylor if he’d be up for answering a few questions as we explore his work.

Please introduce yourself: My name is Taylor, but most people know me as TD. I grew up in a little town in Arizona called Prescott Valley. I feel like I grew up outside, always camping, backpacking, or hiking with my family in our free time. I definitely inherited that great love of the outdoors from my parents. 

Why and when did you first pick up a camera? What inspired the love of photography? and who has inspired you? The summer after I graduated from high school, my older brother took me on a ten day trip to Glacier, Yellowstone, the Tetons and ended with a backpacking trip in the Uintas. My older brother had previously been interested in photography so he knew how to edit photos, even just phone photos. He shared a little bit of that knowledge with me and I became obsessed with editing my phone pictures and trying to be more purposeful when taking photos. That’s what initially peaked my interest.

I didn’t make the jump to buying a camera until a few months later when I went camping with a friend of mine. He took a photo of the stars with his GoPro and I thought that was the coolest thing of all time. I didn’t even realize taking a photo of the stars was attainable for the average Joe.

Immediately after that trip I did some research to find out how I could take a photo of the stars. Google told me I needed to use a DSLR camera, so that Black Friday I bought my first camera. The Nikon D3400. I started taking that with me on all the outdoor adventures I was already doing. Mistake after mistake, I slowly taught myself how to use a camera. I never had any formal education on photography or videography, I just learned by doing. I started to love capturing the beauty I get to see with my own eyes and sharing that with the people I care about. Initially I started to follow all these big name instagram photographers. I quickly realized that negatively affected my creative headspace. I was always catching myself comparing myself to these people that had been doing photography for years or even decades. It was then I made a rule to not follow people I didn’t know and wasn’t connected with in some way. Over the years I have loosely followed that. My inspiration and best creativity comes from pushing myself to try and capture iconic locations or genres in a unique way. When I see everyone shooting one shot, it makes me really want to shoot it differently. 

What is your goal with being a photographer/videographer? My goal is to tell stories about people or lifestyles that inspire me and hopefully through me inspire others. 

What has being a photographer taught you about this world and humanity? It’s taught me that chasing something you’re passionate about is the most powerful contribution you can make. I believe when we are doing something we care deeply about, our calling if you will, we are the most authentic version of ourselves. If you aren’t doing that, you are robbing the world of a drop of authenticity.

Where is your favorite place/your favorite subject? It’s probably pretty obvious from my work, but I LOVE capturing western lifestyle in the western US. Something about rustic and raw living in the unbelievable landscapes of the west just really pulls me. 

In many ways you are a story teller…what stories do you aspire to share? I aspire to share the untold stories of those living traditional lives that believe in hard work to provide for themselves and their families. And maybe I just like to capture stories that look damn epic from time to time.

Is photography your full time? Yes it is my full time job, in more ways than one. I am employed by a company called Canvas Cutter. I oversee all and create most of our visuals whether that be short films, YouTube vlogs, lifestyle photos, short format reels or product photography for our website. It’s a small team of us so I get to wear many hats and learn a lot. It’s great to feel integral to the company’s growth and success. On the side, I take on a pretty large load of personal projects and freelance creative jobs that keep me busy as well. 

Where is your favorite place to photograph? I love Wyoming a lot. The Tetons specifically hold a special place in my heart. They are the birthplace of most of the “turning points” in my life. I went on my first ever backpacking trip in the Tetons when I was six years old and that inspired my love of the outdoors. The Tetons are where I really started to like taking photos on that trip with my brother I mentioned previously. It was the place I got my first real photography job, taking photos of whitewater rafting on the Snake River for a summer. Wyoming and the Tetons are the birthplace of everything I am passionate about. In the last couple of years I’ve explored much more of Wyoming and I just love the untamed nature of its landscape and  ruggedness of its people. 

You’ve created a huge volume of work with cowboy culture, why? The most simple reason is because it just looks damn cool and I love awe inspiring imagery. On a deeper level, I think as a kid I always romanticized the idea of being a cowboy. Cowboys are hardworking, self-reliant, good with their hands and humble. Qualities I strive for. I tell those stories because I want to be a part of them, be in them. The biggest thing I’ve learned from documenting that world and immersing myself in it, is that nothing truly good comes easy or free, everything worthwhile is earned. In one way or another. 

What camera do you currently use? I shoot on a Sony a7iv mainly, but also use the Sony a7iii too.

Do you have any advice to offer? As far as a creative career is concerned, the best piece of advice I can give is to join or create a community, get to know people and have something to offer them for their time. Networking is a powerful tool, but it can only get you as far as the effort you put in. 

What is your number one place to visit in Utah? Arizona? Elsewhere? In Utah, I’d say Zion Canyon. More specifically a slot canyon in Zion. The Narrows are amazing, but if you get a guide and do a technical slot canyon…that’s Utah for ya. It’s one of the most incredible experiences fairly unique to this state. In Arizona, I’d recommend Sedona for sure. The West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon in the fall (typically early November) is one of the most fantastic displays of fall foliage you will see in Arizona paired with the red rock canyon walls—an incredible place to witness.

Do you have a personal preference over creating photo or video? I absolutely love both and I think both are very powerful storytelling mediums. For me, photography has always come easiest and I feel that I excel at it. I love telling stories in the form of a photo set. It gives a little imaginative  freedom to the viewer to think about what the experience was like outside of those few frozen moments. 

What is a piece of life advice you’d offer? Be gracious. Gratitude, kindness and humility have a way of coming full circle in my experience. It attracts the right people into your life that will help you elevate yourself and those around you.


Southwes and the Thin Place

Katie Westerfield

Southwes and the Thin Place

The creative art of Wes Walker

When did you first become interested in photography? I started shooting in 2011 when I worked at a camp in the mountains in New Mexico during the summer.

Were you self-taught or did you learn in school/from a mentor? My older brother was into photography first and he showed me a lot. My mom is also a painter and we grew up in a very creative environment. But I started to work and figure out my route and style after a few years of on the go learning.

How did you develop your style? I don't know exactly what to call my style. I love western life, and I love the outdoors, and especially love shooting in low light situations and seem to give photos a sense that they might be on another planet. Basically I want to create a world that is different from everything else you might see on social media, but is still real and out there somewhere.

What themes do you explore through your work? Western life, semi-adventure, and minimal landscape. I love strong colors, and it's one of the main things I look for when shooting.

How do you find and choose you subjects or locations? I actually shoot at a lot of the "hot-spots", but try to portray them in a different light. Other times I'm on a road trip and just find something I think looks cool and try to find a way to turn it into art.

What inspires your work? Music and God. I think music and visuals go hand and hand, that's why most favorite movies have good scores, why special memories trigger a certain song. There's a certain spiritualness to nature, when you're in it you can't exactly describe it. But certain places on earth feel "thin." Call it God, call it magic, call it a "thin place" it's a place that we feel is special and inspires us to be more than we currently are.

How do you compose an image? Do you go into the shoot with a specific shot in mind, or does the inspiration strike when you place your model in the setting? Rarely do I have a certain shot in mind. I could almost count on one hand the number of times I've dreamed up a shot, planned it, and then it has actually panned out. It's like expectations are predestined let-downs. When creating pieces that are just for me I go into it with an open eye. The opposite of a commissioned job.

What has been your biggest lesson learned through creating your art? That waiting is everything. I waited and worked through a desk job three years after college. Spending every weekend and all of my time shooting photos where ever I could. Then making the jump to a full-time creative...but then still wasn't getting to shoot the kind of content I wanted because that's not would pay the bills. It's a process, big time.

What do you hope your art says to people? That there's a world full of "thin places" for everyone to go find and make memories at. I hope it conveys emotion, no matter what kind.

Why did you choose your craft (photography)? I actually started as a sketch artist. Drawing anything I saw for years and years. I never really choose it, it chose me haha. I just wanted to do something more, try and capture the beauty and it found its way to me.

If you couldn’t be doing your craft, what would you do instead?
More into music, I play a handful of instruments and have a dozen or so songs I need to try and develop but just not really the time right now. Or flipping houses, a different type of creativity.

Any favorite moments of your career so far? I stood at the base of Cerro Torre at night in March of 2019. I realized just how small I am. How millions of people have stood and seen this mountain. All the stories that have happened and mine is one of them. It was when I realized that I had to start developing my own story and stop doing what everyone else was doing.

Is there a defining moment in your career so far?
Probably taking the jump from working for a company to working for myself. Being able to plan trips whenever I want and take them is incredible and opens a huge door to possibilities that just are not there otherwise.

Is there anything you really enjoy in your craft vs another line of work?
I love editing. But it truly depends on the content. I used to edit for the company I worked for and would've never made it through if The Office wasn't on full blast in the background. Now I edit my own content and it's light jazz that's in the background. 

Biggest pet peeve about the industry? Companies wanting creatives to work for comps and free goods. I get it, I've done it. On both ends. I would save the free stuff and comps for influencers and actually pay your creatives and photographers. They are creating viable content that is going to drive marketing, something most influencers would never begin to do.

Is flannel really always appropriate?
Cabins. With pancakes. To impress the country girl I have a crush on. All appropriate occasions.

Bold Exploration - J.K. Winders

Katie Westerfield

Bold Exploration

Following J.K. Winders’ Adventures

“You’re willingly throwing yourself into personal unknown territory for the sake of discovery and illumination.” I love hearing his outlook on adventure and taking in all the things he has learned. Keep reading to see how J.K. Winders finds adventure in the risks.

Why do you adventure? Why do you explore? I like to think that adventures can put you in touch with the broader possibilities of what life can offer. On top of taking the chances to do some incredible things in awe-inspiring places, adventures show you that the set plan is not always the best way and that the worst times today can make for the best stories tomorrow.

I think the biggest misinterpretation I come across from people is that they seem to view exploration as simply wandering aimlessly hoping you stumble on something that made it all worthwhile. In reality, exploration is a journey, it’s a process of discovery, it’s the action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. Out of exploration comes illumination, not just in a new field, but within oneself as well. I discover new capabilities and transcend limits through exploration. I can’t speak for everyone, but that’s why I explore. It makes me a little bolder, a little less fearful, and maybe, hopefully, a little bit better. I like to think that all-around betterment is birthed from exploration. As someone who grew up a little shy and timid, exploration has made me more sure of myself and more courageous. 

Where are you from? I was born near Atlanta, Georgia and lived there for the first eighteen years of my life. And no, unsweetened tea was not a part of my vocabulary. Since then I have lived in Los Angeles, California, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and now I am based out of and roaming full-time in my 25ft Thor Majestic R.V.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? The script for my life changed very frequently growing up. There was a time I wanted to be a missionary because I loved the travel and I loved Jesus and it just made sense to little five-year-old me. There were also periods where I wanted to be a train conductor, a filmmaker, an author, a painter, a chef, even a theme park designer. I had so many different interests growing up that gave so many directions to steer my life into.

Why take risks in life? I think we all know deep down that anything worth achieving requires some sort of risk. If you want to experience a beautiful sunrise from a mountain top, you have to be willing to first take a step in the dark. Exploration in and of itself is a risk. You’re willingly throwing yourself into personal unknown territory for the sake of discovery and illumination. Every trail that we’ve traversed was laid down by someone else exploring a part of the empty sandbox. I absolutely understand how crippling the idea of the great unknown can be. But I also know how valuable the growth and discovery that comes from facing it. The first time you jump over a hurdle is always the hardest. You either soar over it or trip and face-plant into the ground. Either way, the fear of the unknown is vanquished because of the action taken against it. 

Favorite place you've visited? Picking a favorite place I’ve visited almost feels like picking a favorite child. But the place that I always search for reasons and opportunities to go back to is Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Growing up in Georgia, we had the Smoky Mountains which I thought were about as majestic as they came. But then when I saw the Grand Teton range, I couldn’t fathom that mountains like that could exist in this world. It’s also a place where I’ve found peace and inspiration to be perfectly abundant and never too difficult to obtain. 


What place do you most desperately want to visit? There are so many places that are still on my list. But right now at this moment I’ll say Southeast Asia. I have yet to venture into Asia and would love to unlock the entire region. I’d love to take the time to do some backpacking through the more off-the-beaten-path parts of Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. But as I said, there are countless places that my journey has yet to take me to that I would love to experience.

What has changed about you because of your travels? I really believe that it’s impossible to harbor any thoughts or feelings of bigotry or intolerance when you venture outside of your cultural bubble. You learn that there are different ways of doing simple things, different values, from different wants and needs. It is a humbling experience to be the outsider in a foreign country. For instance, I’ll never make fun of or be mad at someone who doesn’t speak my language, because I have been that person abroad who’s the only one in the room that doesn’t speak the language. 

I’ve also discovered looking back on my travels is that none of my worries or fears that I stressed myself out over ever really happened. Other stuff definitely happened, but not the terrible, awful, unspeakable scenarios that I had fabricated in the deep dark spaces of my mind. Traveling does put you a little more receptacle to the things you can’t control. Delayed trains, closed roads, bad weather; all inconveniences that can add spice to the stories you’ll one day tell. And it terms fear overall, I know plenty of people that are still addicted to 24/7 news and it instills that anxiety that the world is full of evil and things to be afraid of. I no longer allow myself to fear something or someplace from afar. 

Who is the most dynamic and thought provoking person you've ever met? I’ve known countless people that have inspired me in very profound ways. But the one that comes to mind currently is one of my best friends from my days of living in Los Angeles. His name was Andre and he was an absolute character that taught me the value of living your life as a work of art. He dressed exclusively in clothes from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, was incredibly industrious in so many areas from wine and spirits to calligraphy, and antiques to craftsmanship. I really was under the impression that he was all-knowing. If we were ever walking down the street together, the people passing by would be so enamored with his overall appearance. He taught me the lesson of how you present yourself is a story of itself, and if you carefully craft it, it has the potential to bring joy to others. He was the one who encouraged me to live your entire life as a story worth telling.

If you could travel with one person in history or in present who would it be and why? I would love to provide some really profound answer like Jack London or the Fitzergeralds or someone like that, but I keep thinking about my great Uncle Buddy who is maybe the most jovial person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing in my life. He’s someone that in his age loves experiencing things that he never would’ve thought he’d get the chance to experience. He’s a true adventurer in the sense that there is always something to smile at and laugh about. He’s just a happy, infectious soul that you love being around and I would love to travel the world with him. 

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? I’ll give you a couple of rapid fire ones first; Always be in a mode of learning. Don’t draw too much attention to yourself. Always be aware of your surroundings. Life is too precious to waste it by wearing a fanny pack. The wrong train can sometimes take you to where you really need to be. Pump yourself with plenty of probiotics and vitamin C. 

I also tell people that if they’re going to someplace with a heavy tourist culture to see the tourist traps first and then just get lost. I’ve done the touristy stuff, it’s not that bad, but when you can collect some of those off-the-beaten-path experiences you’ve got gold. For instance, if you’re visiting Venice, swing by the Rialto Bridge and St Mark’s Square, they’re worth seeing. But then pick a direction a start walking. If you’re lucky you’ll end up in the Campo Santa Margarita or some other place where the locals hang out where you indulge in the good pizza and apertivos. The best discoveries are made when you don’t know where exactly you are.

Don’t feel like you have to see and do everything. If you have that mindset, you’ll go through your trip completely exhausting yourself and most likely walk away disappointed  and unsatisfied. Whenever you visit someplace, go with the notion that you will be back one day.

Pack as light as you can, you probably won’t be very far away from someplace where you can pick up a bottle of shampoo if you leave yours behind. Don’t be afraid of ever being wrong or of appearing foolish. Most locals love taking the opportunity to teach outsiders about their culture and their way of doing things, so always try to be humble and teachable. And just be kind, you are the guest after all.


Give us a story any kind of story from one of your trips that will he impactful to the reader. Speaking of Venice… I was passing through a few years ago, and it happened to be my birthday. Up until this point I had been scrambling around parts of Europe trying to see and do as much as I can. I had plans to take the day and get lost in the city. I stopped by a cafe to grab a coffee to take with me on my metropolitan adventure. Like a typical American, I stepped up to the counter and ordered with my money in hand ready to take my morning Joe with me on my merry way. “Okay, go sit I’ll bring it to you.” the barista said to me. I looked down at my money, and back up at her and asked, “Do I go ahead and pay now?” To which she responded, “No you can sit and enjoy it and pay after.” This was new for me, just sitting ands enjoying a cup of coffee. But I did just that, and I still think about that coffee and how slow and beautiful the world seemed in that moment. I actually felt like I was a part of the city for a change which is something I now strive to do with every place I visit.

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you? This one’s a little outlandish and cliched I’ll admit, but it’s the one that’s coming to mind.

On one of my first overseas expeditions, I was visiting a friend of a friend in Southern France. He was the kind of guy that I used to be so intimidated by; a tattooed, leather-clad, care-free motorcycle rider on top of being a tall, dark, handsome, suave Frenchman. I was passing through Nice for the night, he picked me up from the train station. Along with my behemoth backpack, I climbed onto the back of motorcycle and we raced off through the streets of the city. At this point I could’ve counted on one hand the number of times I’ve ridden on a motorcycle. I don’t think I blinked the whole time.

After a while he shouted back to me, “When we come into a curve, you got to lean into with me so we don’t wipe out.” That goes against my natural thinking. The is the thing that’s going to hurt so of course I’m leaning away from it. But the way he said it was so profound, mainly because I try to find deeper meanings in most mundane things. But I took that to heart; when you come to a change in the direction of the path, lean into it, commit to it, take advantage of it or it’ll take advantage of you. Embrace the twists and turns because they are a part of the journey.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone? What did you learn from that lesson? When I first arrived in Los Angeles, there were plenty of things that frightened me. I spent the first couple of months couch surfing before I was able to get on my feet. One of my biggest fears was that I would end up having to sleep in my car. There was a short period where I had to do just that. The first night I slept in my car, I found a quiet spot to park in the San Fernando Valley. I buried myself underneath my denim jacket and a dirty towel and settled as best I could into my cramped back seat. The next morning after a surprisingly decent sleep, I snagged a quick shower at the YMCA and I made my way to my favorite diner to indulge in a large, warm Lumberjack special breakfast. If I couldn’t sleep like a king, I sure was going to eat like one. I finally secured a living situation in the trawling city, but this was just a step I had to take to get there.

Since that first night in my car, I have crashed in my backseat countless times and even a few train stations and bus stops. It’s something I don’t even think twice about anymore. And now I live in an R.V. The biggest thing I learned looking back on that is that the desire for comfort can often times be your biggest deceiver and can hinder you from getting to the place in life in which you really need to be. My desire for comfort and stability was one of the biggest constraints for growth that loomed over me. I tell myself now that if I’m scared of doing something, do it scared. 

What would you say to your former self? I really do wish that I could go back and tell myself that there’s nothing wrong with being lost. I haven’t always been adventurous and used to detest the idea of facing extreme situations and uncomfortable circumstances. I liked structure and the times when I could actually plan something. But now I operate in the mindset that no great story has ever happened when someone knew exactly where they were going. But at the same time, I’m glad that I was able to go through a type of metamorphosis and learn these lessons in due time.

What gives you hope? Hope has never been something difficult for to find. The biggest thing that gives me hope, at least for myself, is the notion that there are endless options. The are countless places left to explore, countless things left to learn, people to meet. If you miss an opportunity to capture a story, there are plenty more waiting down the path. I’m in love with the concept of indefiniteness. It’ll be this way until one day when it’s not. I’ll do this until one day when I won’t. Indefiniteness is an integral part of the unknown. It gives me a sense of hope that something could last, but that even if it does end, it can be as beautiful as the beginning and can lead to something better. I love the idea of creating even when I’m an eighty, ninety, or a hundred-years- old, still venturing out, climbing mountains, seeking beauty and wonder. But I also am at peace knowing that some things aren’t supposed to last forever. If something good has come along for you in the past or present, something good can come along for you in the future.

Where to next? Naturally given the current state of the world, plans are changing almost everyday. I had plans for the month of May and June to do some exploring in the California Sierras that had to be scrapped. I even had a weekend retreat for creatives in Yosemite planned that unfortunately had to be postponed. But the changing plans are all a part of the journey.

Currently I have plans set to be in Glacier, Montana for the month of July, and to do some roaming around mountains and coastal regions of Washington and Oregon through the rest of the year. Next year, I’m hoping to make the long trek up through Canada and into Alaska for the summer.

Is flannel always in season? I’m never fully dressed without flannel being a part of my outfit.

See more of J.K. Winders at his website and be sure to follow his work on Instagram and Facebook.


Pursuit of Adventure - Jeff Brenner

Ben Ashby

Pursuit of Adventure

Through the lens of Jeff Brenner

Definitely caught the travel bug after going through this interview. Until then I’ll just be living through Jeff’s photographs and story telling. There’s something special about the beauty he finds in travel and I think you’ll feel it, too.


Why do you adventure? I adventure because we have so many amazing places around us. I was lucky enough to grow up only two hours away from Yosemite. It's always sad to me when I hear people in my town say that they've never been. I feel like it's such a missed opportunity to be so close to a place where people travel across the world to see. This is what initiated my pursuit of adventure. There's an insane amount of diverse places to see in the US.

Why take risks in life? I've always been a thrill seeker. I chased the adrenaline rush since I was a kid. The short answer is that playing it safe has never appealed to me. I'm not knocking those that do. To each their own. But even if I crash and burn (which has happened many times), I'd rather have the satisfaction of knowing I took a chance on something.  

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? As a kid, I was really into archeology. I was convinced I'd be digging up fossils in my adult life. I'm not too sure when that changed, but I still have an infatuation with that stuff. I've got a few fossils displayed on my desk to provide inspiration whenever it's needed!

Favorite place you've visited? Hands down, my favorite place in the world is Yellowstone National Park. That entire place is absolutely wild. The landscapes are otherworldly and the wildlife is abundant. My wife and I joke that we have so many other places we want to see, but find ourselves going back to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons whenever we get the chance.

Place you most desperately want to visit? Alaska and Africa are tied. I gravitate to places with a lot of wildlife. We are planning on going to Alaska this summer, and hopefully Africa will follow soon after. That being said, we have an ever growing list of places we want to experience and photograph.

What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you've experienced while traveling? Truthfully, I can't think of any one major event that was life-changing during my travels. It's the little conversations I have with strangers along the way that has an effect on me. I think it's an amazing thing to find common ground with someone you don't know, while on the road. I feel like our daily lives can be so fast-paced, and we often give our attention to our technology. But I've found while traveling, people tend to disconnect and are genuinely interested in who you are and where you've been. It's a pretty beautiful thing.

Who is the most dynamic and thought provoking person you've ever met? My brother. He's only 18 months older than me, but we can be very different. He challenges me, without judgement, to be a better person and to be intentional in my relationships.

If you could travel with one person in history or in present who would it be and why? Easy. Teddy Roosevelt. Although John Muir and Ansel Adams are close behind. But the legacy Teddy Roosevelt left, in terms of conservation, has played a big role in modern day public land and wildlife protection. Plus, he was just a legendary person in general, and one of the most interesting people in US history.

Any travel tips? My biggest tip isn't a hack of any sort. It's merely a reminder to enjoy the journey just as much as the destination. I don't like to overcomplicate things when my wife and I are on the road. Our agenda is loosely constructed and allows for a lot of backroad detours. As a photographer, it's easy to get caught up in making sure you nail your shot list, but it can cause you to lose out on actually experiencing those memorable moments.

Give us a story any kind of story from one of your trips that will the impactful to the reader. As a photographer, I often find myself getting too fixated on getting "the shot." It's easy to make sure you don't waste any good light for sunrise or sunset. During our last trip to the Tetons, I found myself so concerned with finding a good spot for sunset that I was actually getting frustrated, forgetting that I was surrounded by some of the most beautiful nature in the US. I ended up finding a good spot, grabbed a quick photo, and then just set my gear down. I sat down at the edge of a river, staring out at the mountain range and just watched. There was no talking, no Instagram story updates, and no more concern for getting that "banger". Social media culture plays a huge role in our need to get as many photos as we can, but we often forget to enjoy it for ourselves. I'll never forget that moment, and it's something I now include in my process during every shoot.

Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? There needs to be a greater respect for nature, especially wildlife. People send me videos all the time of tourists invading the space of/ taunting animals. These often lead to attacks, but even if they don't, it's extremely important to respect the rules. Social media can be a great thing, but at the same time, it has created a culture where people ignore rules, deface landmarks, and abuse animals just for attention on Instagram. I believe we need to hold each other accountable, and use our voices on social media to encourage ourselves and others to be better.


What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? I talk with a lot of people who have never traveled, and some of them have no desire to do so. To each their own, but for the ones that say, "I want to travel, but haven't gotten around to it", I just encourage them to set a date to go on even a nearby day trip and stick with it. I guarantee only a couple hours in Yosemite will be enough to light that spark and get them back out there.

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you? It's hard to pick a single lesson that I've learned from someone different from me. I find that I learn the most from others that have different upbringings, faiths, cultures, etc. I always appreciate when I can have an authentic and respectful conversation with a person that sees the world from a different perspective. 

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from that lesson? I competed in track (pole vault and high jump) from elementary school and in college. My identity was essentially tethered to that and I had a lot of plans to have track remain a part of my life. After a pretty extreme back injury along with multiple knee injuries and surgeries, I was forced to throw in the towel. When that part of my life was over, I felt my life as a whole was outside my comfort zone. I had no clue what to do or what to pursue. I didn't realize it until later, but this set in motion the best things that have ever happened to me. I met my wife through the process and I rediscovered my love for photography. I learned many things during this time of my life, but the biggest lesson was to not let my identity be determined by something I do. My career and interests do not define the person I am.

What gives you hope? A lot of things give me hope. My faith and my wife constantly give me hope during those bleak times in life. Photography is a big one too. It gives me hope that the more fiercely I pursue this career path, the more experiences I can make with my wife during our travels.

Is flannel always in season? In California, you'll definitely pass out if you wear flannel in the summer, BUT I intentionally go to colder places in the summer so I can wear them. So yeah, it's most definitely always in season.

What are your hobbies and interests? Photography is at the forefront obviously, but I've always loved building things and working with my hands. I've built some pieces of furniture for our house and also do some knife making and vintage hatchet/axe restorations. Lastly, I love playing piano and guitar. Nothing like playing some Bon Iver and The Head and the Heart!

How do you get inspired when working at home? I've built my home office to look like a cabin and get really inspired by the feeling I get when I'm in there. The aroma of tobacco, wood, and leather gets the creativity firing on all cylinders.

You can shop Jeff’s prints or learn more at his website and follow his work on Instagram.

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Where do I Want to Adventure to Next? — Luke Gottlieb

Ben Ashby

Where do I Want to Adventure to Next?

Meet Photographer Luke Gottlieb



Luke Gottlieb, the photographer behind Victor of Valencia on Instagram has been one of my very favorite photographers for a very long time. I dream of the day when I have the photographer skills and editing skills he has so brilliantly mastered. I wanted to learn more, so I made my way out to Colorado to learn Luke's backstory and life advice. 


"Adventure is one of those things that keeps life interesting and completely fresh with experiences. It’s certainly the driving force behind most of my passions in life. It’s something I think about every morning I wake up too; where do I want to adventure to next?"

 — @victorofvalencia


Why do you explore? To me, exploration allows the unexpected to come to the surface of our lives. Without exploration, we never learn or see anything new. I also have this constant feeling of wanting to know what exists around the corner. As a child, it seems your whole existence is all about exploring and being curious. I think that we cary some of that same drive throughout our lives as we get older. 


Why take risks in life? Without risks, growth is absent. To me, evolving as a human being and having a better understanding of the world can’t happen unless you take risks or unless you really step out of your comfort zone. 


 What is your 9-5?  I was never one to resonate very well with a 9-5 job. I’ve worked for myself the last 3 years and I can say it’s the best fit for me right now. I’m a full-time photographer. It’s amazing, but certainly has the challenges that comes with it. I often can’t remember what day it is, but maybe that is the point of it all… to just live life and experience every day as a new and exciting adventure. 




When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? My dad was a musician and my mom was a music lover as well. I think when I picked up the guitar at the age of 12 I fantasized about being a rock star… as a lot of teenage boys do. I still play music, it’s in my blood and will be till the day I die. I record and do the occasional tour with my band. I don’t think I ever really had a firm grasp on what I wanted to really be in life, but I think that I have found my lane as a portrait and lifestyle photographer. 




What would you say to someone who has never travelled before? 

I think that if we could learn more about each other and be open to new ways of looking at the world it would allow us all to improve as humans. There is just so much diversity on this planet both in body and mind to think selfishly.



Lakes of teal -Emanuele Mariotti

Ben Ashby

There’s one word that comes to mind scrolling through Emanuele’s photos, breath taking. Okay, that’s not one word but still. Scrolling through his pics I can’t help but marvel at the insane places he’s been and seeing these places through his lens (literally) inspires me a ton. Plus, I’m always a fan of seeing gay relationships portrayed the way he and his boyfriend are in Emanuele’s pics. Please, if you’ve gotten this far you HAVE to check out his images down below!

Why do you adventure?

I've always had a beautiful relationship with nature since I was a child. I started camping when I was very young as a boy-scout and I never stopped exploring because I really love the forest and the wildlife.

Why do you explore?

I explore because I'm curious. When I was young I always wanted to see the landscape behind the hill, and now I still want to go beyond the surface of things, to see the hidden beauty behind.

Why take risks in life?

I think that everyone needs to take some risks and get out of their comfort zone sometimes to feel alive, without always being worried about the consequences.

Where are you from?

I'm from Rome, Italy, a city that I love and where I was born and raised.

What is your 9-5?

I do many things during my day, I don’t have a routine. When I’m in Rome I try to work-out in the morning with my boyfriend, the rest of the day is always a surprise. I work as a photographer and I develop personal photography projects. During the weekend I always try to explore new places.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be?

I grew up nurturing many dreams. One of my favorite dreams was to be a wizard like Harry Potter, to have the power to change things and to live in a magic world (which happens also without having superpowers XD)

Favorite place you've visited?

I have many favorite places. One of the latest that I have added to the list of favorites is definitely Lake Braies, which is a lake in the middle of the Dolomites. I've been there because my boyfriend gifted me a weekend there for my birthday and it was amazing. The atmosphere was perfect, and that place looks amazing every time of the year, so you never get bored. Another beautiful place I’ve been recently is Trentino Alto-Adige, in the north of Italy, in particular, Resia and Carezza lakes. I also loved Japan, in which I lived for a month.

Place you most desperately want to visit?

Iceland for sure, but also Canada (I’d love to spend some time in a cabin house in the middle of the forest), Cuba, Thailand. The entire world :P

What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you've experienced while traveling? There are many. The ones I liked most are the stories of the old men and women I met throughout my trips. We should learn from those stories, they could be very precious.

What has changed about you because of your travels?

I have become more curious. I think the more you travel and get to know other cultures the more you want to know and discover in the world.

Who is the most dynamic and thought provoking person you've ever met?

My boyfriend for sure. It's thanks to him that I grew my passion for traveling, discovering new places, and sharing experiences with him. He's a really curious person, even more than me, so it's always cool to arrange new trips together. We travel a lot and we never want to stop.

If you could travel with one person in history or in the present who would it be and why?

my grandmother in history, because I loved the way she lived and the passion she had living her life. My boyfriend in the present because of all of the things I said before.

Must-haves for travel?

For sure a camera. I can't imagine traveling without that. For the other things, I don't think I'm the best person to ask this kind of question because It's always hard for me to pack -every time I'd like to carry half of the house with me. The essentials... camera, a good book and someone you love by your side.

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before?

You're definitely wasting your time. Open your eyes with the beauty of our world.

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you?

It is very important to understand that everyone is different, and everyone deserves respect. So, respect, learn and listen to who is in front of you. Don't be selfish and accept the world and its differences.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from that lesson?

I always feel out of my comfort zone when I do something I don't know. Doing things we don't know can be scary, but it helps us to improve, to prove our limits and be aware of them

What would you say to your former self?

feel free to be who you are because you deserve it. Don't be afraid to do what you like and fight for your dreams.

What gives you hope?

love. Human love is the thing I most need to be hopeful.

Where to next?

I’d like to go to Bali at the beginning of the next year. I’d love to come back again to the mountains of north Italy before it gets too cold.

Is flannel always in season?

I think so. Flannel means forest to me. So it's always the season to go to the forest wearing a flannel shirt.

Travel tips? Live with locals, as a local: taste the local food, explore the historical sites, dive into the daily life and get in touch with people living in the place you are visiting, try to understand their habits

Give us a story from one of your trips that will be impactful to the reader?

I had many little ones but I don't think any of them would be very impactful. I think many interesting stories have to come on my trips.

Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger?

Be more helpful to each other. Because only together can we be stronger.

You can follow more of Mica’s adventures on his Instagram and Facebook


I feel like the more I travel the more I grow as a person... -Marijus Kuokstis

Ben Ashby

“I feel like the more I travel the more I grow as a person” is my biggest take away after learning a bit more about Marijus and his travels. He’s a down to earth photographer who just so happens to have one of my favorite pictures ever, one that I have titled ‘the 0’ -hope he’s okay with that haha. scroll through some of his pictures and read about some of his travels below!

Why do you adventure? Adventures give me the feeling of living. We all want to do many things, be in many places, meet so many people, going through on an adventure helps me do these things which makes me happy.

Why take risks in life? You can't get anywhere in life without taking risks, you only do good when you are taking risks and pushing your boundaries.

Where are you from? Siauliai, Lithuania.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? Full-time filmmaker/photographer.

Favorite place you've visited? The Austrian Alps.

Place you most desperately want to visit? Machu Picchu, Peru.

What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you've experienced while traveling? Visiting Phuket Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand, it was a pleasure to meet such good people who are taking care of elephants who have suffered from working long hours in the logging and tourism industry.

What has changed about you because of your travels? I feel like the more I travel the more I grow as a person, being in a new environment lets me appreciate the little things that make life so exciting and memories so unforgettable.

If you could travel with one person in history or in present who would it be and why? Probably, Christopher McCandless - his story was told in an amazing movie 'into the Wild' he probably was a cool guy.

Must-haves for travel? Comfortable shoes and a camera of course to capture these moments.

Give us some travel tips: First off, rise early. Going out before sunrise will let you see and experience a place in a completely different and unique way. Don't be afraid to travel alone, you'll learn a lot about yourself.

Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? Always be kind and helpful.

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? Start with exploring places around you, sometimes you'll be surprised how many beautiful locations are just around the corner.

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? Don't think, just do it, you'll see the world in all different colors.

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you?

The more you learn to adapt the more you will feel your similarity with them.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from that lesson?I remember my first trip to USA, I went there as a student with work and travel program and being from a small country like Lithuania and barely speaking English was a challenge for me, but at the end of the day I spent there 4 months, met amazing people, improved my English and had one of the best summers in my life.

What would you say to your former self? Be patient and never stop wandering. 

What gives you hope? Sunrise and sunset 

Where to next? Austria

Is flannel always in season? Flannel is always a good choice.

You can follow more of Mica’s adventures on his Instagram and Youtube


Autumn in the Catskills {& Leaf Peeping Tips}

Ben Ashby

It is no secret that autumn is my favorite season. I should preface this piece by saying I love the beauty of each and every season. I love the warmth and the outdoors of summer. I love the rebirth of spring. I even love the calm quiet of winter. Autumn however is my favorite. The spirit of the season, a season of thanksgiving, a season of harvest, and a season of the landscapes being washed in color absolutely captivates me each year. The past two years I have gone to the Pacific Northwest for the autumn season. This year it was decided I would spend it with small trips to Maine, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and my favorite, the Catskill region of upstate New York.

This past weekend we returned to Hudson Woods to photograph the peak week of the autumn leaf peeping season. I have never had the luxury of capturing peak week for leaves. This year was an absolute treat and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Hudson Woods for the ability to photograph their property.

I wanted to prepare a short guide of my tips for photographing leaves. We ended up having a day of full sun and a day of overcast skies and light rain. You will be able to tell the difference in the images.

We should start by acknowledging that yes, “leaf peeping” is a real term…and describes the act of intentionally viewing the changing leaves of the autumn season.

Autumn here in the east begins in late September and truly continues on through mid November. The first signs will be the drying of the grasses and ground cover, and of course the vibrant colors of the goldenrod. The leaves will begin to change, subtle hints of yellow will appear. An occasional red tree will appear. Slowly over the next two months the landscapes will morph into a full painterly scene of rich golds, oranges, reds, and yellows. The final phase of fall will be soft yellows and deep burgundies of the last remaining trees. In my opinion this final phase is the best time to view Central Park. The other phases are best spent in the wilds of the New England region.

I personally prefer photographing on overcast days. I find the colors to pop much when the contrast between light and dark isn’t as strong. On sunny days it is too easy for the sky to become over exposed while trying to perfectly capture the color of the leaves.

The harshness of a bright sun will also cause the camera to draw more contrast to the negative and positive spaces in the wooded areas, especially if the trees are in uniform parallel lines. An overcast day will have a softening effect that will make wooded images much more pleasing to the eye.

The most important thing to remember is to always have the camera ready. Otherwise mundane moments become an interesting oasis of inspiration when the colors are at their peak. Don’t be afraid to pull of the road (where it is safe) and take tons of shots.

It is also important to be okay with editing. You can bring out the color in the editing process.

The season is fleeting. Enjoy it. Take as many photos as you’d like, but more importantly enjoy the journey.

We have destroyed, with the purpose of creating -Mica Veras dos Santos

Ben Ashby

What stands out to me most about Mica Veras dos Santos is his unique travels. I am used to hearing about the most photog-famous places (which, makes sense, we are photographers after all) but Mica has been to places I’ve mostly never heard of. After seeing his breath taking pictures of these fairytale like castles or mountain ranges that look like something i’ve only ever seen in movies and hearing some crazy stories (spoiler: one includes a 7 hour journey for a charger) I have quite a few new locations on my bucket list I need to add.

Why do you adventure? Adventure is the driving force that pushes me out of my comfort zone and my routine. We, as humans, usually live a life very based on daily or weekly schedules, and sometimes we have not a lot of flexibility or will to break those. I believe that this is where adventures play a massive role in breaking that chain and motivating me to go beyond my area of convenience.

Why do you explore? Because we have (unfortunately) a deadline. Life is short and we should make the most out of it. See as much as we can, share and live the biggest amount of experiences that we can imagine. Exploring puts all this together. It allows me to get in touch with other realities, other personalities, other cultures, other ways of looking into life, world, environment. And at the end of the line the outcome we take out of it it's translated into a rich juice with a lot of good and balanced values inside.

Why take risks in life? What is life without taking some risks right? I mean look at what we have achieved as humanity. If you really think about it, those who brought big positive changes to our world were mainly people that took severe risks in their lives. I believe that this should be reason enough to challenge ourselves to take the risks we believe that we should take.

Where are you from? I was born and raised in the south of Portugal (Algarve), really on the coast side. I used to live 5 min walking from the beach. I might say I kinda miss home 

What is your 9-5? I work as a financial analyst in the heart of Europe (Brussels)

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? The funny part is that for almost my entire childhood I always wanted to be an army official, mostly because of my father's influence. In the end, things didn't really go in that direction. However, I believe I always wanted to be someone with a story, an experience to tell, and someone that could bring something positive to the world as a whole.

Favorite place you've visited? The group of islands in Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Place you most desperately want to visit? Iceland

What has changed about you because of your travels? My travels helped me to reconnect myself to nature and to live a more simple life. Being born in the south of Portugal helped me to have my first years of life a strong connection with nature. I spent most of my childhood years at the beach. Growing up, I was going further and further from this environment moving to more big and dynamic cities, which kind of broke a little bit this connection, at least in a certain part. Starting to travel more helped me to rebuild this link and to reconnect me to what really matters.

If you could travel with one person in history or present who would it be and why? Chris Burkard without any question. Chris is one of my biggest references in photography and mindset. He left his "comfort" zone, where he was very successful, to pursue something more. He went from shooting surfers on exotic and beautiful beaches to wandering and chasing the most remote surf locations with super harsh conditions. Just because he felt that it was what he was supposed to do. I believe he might have a lot of good stories to tell.

Must haves for travel? If you have a sensitive stomach like me, Iberogast will be your best friend while traveling (no commissions here ahahaa)

Travel tips? Always try to follow the good advice from the locals, especially in places were people are kind and have good hospitality towards you. Usually, such recommendations provided me the best experiences of my life.


Give us a story, any kind of story, from one of your trips that will be impactful to the reader? On my trip to Sri Lanka earlier this year, I forgot the charger of my camera at one of my accommodations. I only noticed it some days later when I was already super far from that city. I met a tuk-tuk driver that drove 7 hours under a thunderstorm and rain just to pick my charger and to give it back to me. He didn't want to accept my money and in the end, invited me to have dinner at his house and to meet his entire family. It was one of the most special moments I have lived in my life.  

Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? I strongly believe that humanity should take a step back to where we were before in order to reconnect to nature and the environment. We should review a lot of our actions -what we eat, what we wear, what we consider life goals and what we believe being "happy" means. We have reached a breaking point and we must take severe and radical actions to try to save and rescue the values that can allow us to thrive. We have disconnected ourselves from people, trying to connect ourselves with social media. We have killed and damaged thousands of species, trying to seek proximity to something that it's not meant to be close to us. We have destroyed, with the purpose of creating. The question at the end of the day is really what matters? What is really important in our world? We should be less selfish, think less about us, and more about future generations. For this reason, I believe that we have reached a sad point where we are not capable of loving in the long run. We are able to love our sons and our grandsons, but the harsh truth is that we are not able to love our grand grand children. If we could, we would not be hurting our world as much as we are. Fortunately, humanity has recovered from a lot of crises of values in the past and I strongly believe that we should stick together to overcome this one. 

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? You will never be too old to start, that's point number one. The second important point is that traveling is the best investment you can do in your life. It's something that will bring you countless and priceless experiences that will follow you during your entire life. At the end of the day, who does not want to have some cool stories to tell? eheheh

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone different than you? Relativity. What is important for me, might not be that important for someone else and vice-versa. We should always try to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person. 

What would you say to your former self? Don't worry. Everything is going to work out ;)

What gives you hope? People. At the end of the day, it will be always about people.

Where to next? Vietnam (so excited)

Is flannel always in season? Are there even shirts made of something else? eheheh

You can follow more of Mica’s adventures on his Instagram and Facebook


I feel most grateful throughout my life because of traveling -Ivan Diaz

Ben Ashby

Ivan Diaz has lived a life as colorful as the images he captures. I always love seeing creatives be able to personify themselves through their work and from learning more about Ivan I can’t help but feel that he has turned his intensity for life into such an eye catching unique style of capturing the life he lives.

Why do you adventure? I adventure because I love to explore life’s many unforgettable moments and all the wonderful cultures that surround us. It’s truly amazing being able to see things differently in someone else’s perspective.

Why do you explore? I explore to discover something new, something beyond my own adventure. Life has so many great adventures to discover, so I feel exploring isn’t just about traveling but finding yourself during that moment.


Why take risks in life? If you don’t take risks in life your missing out on what could be an incredible journey. There’s a saying “ You miss half the shots you don’t take in life” so my view is if you don’t take risks you’ll never know the outcome. Good or bad life’s about growth and we definitely learn from every aspect of that.


Where are you from? I’m from Miami, Florida but my ethnicity is Dominican and French.

What is your 9-5? Currently, my daily schedule includes working with clients on banking issues and financial planning, but when I’m not doing that I’m learning and working with brands on photography projects and my own growth as a photographer.


When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? Like any kid growing up I wanted to be a firefighter or a storm chaser because I love the aspect of that feeling of rush, it’s exciting. As a photographer, I feel that same rush when shooting.


Favorite place you've visited? My favorite place I’ve visited so far during my adventures would definitely be Portland, Oregon. It was my first trip and my first time flying on a plane without ( snakes lol ). It was the trip I’d be asking my girlfriend to marry me, so I asked her at silver falls and it was beyond magical during December.

Place you most desperately want to visit? Without a doubt, it’ll have to be Tokyo, Japan!!!! Please, anyone, sponsor my trip hehe.


What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you’ve experienced while traveling? The greatest experience I’ve ever witnessed or encountered of humanity would have to be a moment I saw someone literally take their shirt off to give to someone who needed it more. That person then proceeded to buy that person food this great moment is something that made my traveling experience even greater. This showed me that humanity can truly come together and show so much compassion.

What has changed about you because of your travels? I feel I’ve always been incredibly true to myself as a person and husband, but I feel most grateful throughout my life because of traveling. It’s helped me understand more cultures and the way people in different places communicate better and show gratitude.

Who is the most dynamic and thought provoking person you've ever met?
I would say my wife has to be the person that truly provokes my heart and pushes me to continue reaching my limits in life. She’s always telling me to think and process everything I want to accomplish and that alone is a great gift in life. Having someone provoke your ambitions and starve yourself to climb higher.


If you could travel with one person in history or present who would it be and why? I would without a doubt travel with Post Malone because I seriously love his work and just his overall incredible sense of being alive and insane lol. If we would travel together we would smash a lot of beer, food, and great laughs along the way. While capturing great photos and listening to great music.


Must haves for travel? Must have for traveling without even getting crazy is beyond important to carry water, snacks for energy, extra clothes just in case of weather changes during hiking. For camera essentials, it would be great for extra batteries, straps, covers, lenses, the camera of course and any other important equipment needed like drones, and lastly yourself haha.

Travel tips? Traveling can get crazy, but I always make sure to get to the airport about three hours or even four hours earlier. Traveling is hectic and even stressful if your flight gets delayed. Always be ready for a quick change and have food ready to eat while waiting.


Give us a story from one of your trips that will be impactful to the readers? In the smoky mountains in Tennessee, my wife and I took one last hike our last day there. The forecast was to snow but we still wanted to go out and adventure. Halfway through our hike, it started to snow. It was my first time seeing snow falling, which was breathtaking to experience. As we kept hiking up the mountain the harder it became because the snow was getting heavier and more slippery. I almost fell to my death but thankfully I did not and was able to continue the hike. When we finally started to hike down it seemed to last for hours. The second we got to the car we realized we left it on the entire time. It was a rental and I never had a car where there was a button to turn on and off. Good thing there was still gas left because the rangers were closing down the national park. It may not be the craziest story but it was definitely one to remember.


Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? To me, during my travels, I’ve seen a lot and I’ve discovered myself more exploring and finding these wonderful moments. The most improvement I believe humanity can have is to continue growing together. I see it all the time people helping others and we need more love spreading around and impacting our hearts and lives.

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? Traveling is an experience that let alone is beyond unforgettable. I remember when I got on a plane for the first time it was traveling to Portland, Oregon. I was scared flying for the first time, but my wife told me everything would be great I think it was that fear of the unknown. Discovering new places, creating unforgettable memories with loved ones. It’s the greatest feeling you’ll never regret especially chasing those early morning sunrises. If you don’t believe and take the unexpected jump you’ll never ever know what’s waiting for you out there.


What is the single greatest lesson you’ve learned from someone that is different than you? I personally feel we learn some valuable lessons every single day in life and even more important lessons from those we’d least expect. Someone I work with that I highly look up too once told me that “ our greatest fear in life is not being able to jump and take that great risk. I know that may seem odd, but to me, this made complete sense. We wait sometimes so long to do what we love most and then without truly realizing it tome passes us by quicker and faster, so take that unpredictable leap and discover your great adventure.

What would you say to your former self? I feel I’ve always been able to adapt to even being under pressure. I think our greatest help comes from believing in yourself and in that single second you’ll feel those discomforts fade away. I’m not saying I’ve never been comfortable because there have been a few moments in my life that I’ve been out of my comfort zone, but I learned to be more confident.


What gives you hope? I’d say make those mistakes and learn what you're worth. Continue taking risks, because you’ll fail sometimes, but you’ll also grow stronger. Push the limits that you don’t think you’ll overcome. It’s alright to not have everything in life, but everything will fall into place at the perfect moment in life.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from that lesson? Honestly believing gives me hope... Why? Because if we didn’t believe in something we wouldn’t have that fire in our hearts to succeed. I believe in our ability to impact, the impact we can all achieve in life. We can seriously come together if we truly focused on changes. This universe has so many great gifts the beauty of life is powerful and I believe that we can make more impacts just believing and overcoming obstacles together.

Where to next? Heading to Tennessee for thanksgiving just upgraded to the Sony A7iii been working hard on making this possible. I’m beyond excited to chase the journey and create more unforgettable moments with my wife because this life is full of beautiful moments and they’re waiting to be discovered.


Is flannel always in season? Haha honestly I live in Miami, so if anyone’s wearing flannel I’d think they work inside a cooler lol. I personally like flannel, but for somewhere colder

Learn more about Ivan’s travels and a glimpse at their life on their website and Instagram account!


What is life if not experiences? - Edgar Querol

Ben Ashby

From Bali to the barren cold of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Edgar Querol has had his fair share of experiencing all the facets this Earth has to offer to photographers like us. Throughout his life, he always gravitated to art, from graffiti to paintings, then to discovering his ability to express himself through photography which has helped shape who he is today. As soon as I saw these images I was like, woah, I need to book a plane ticket STAT.

Why do you adventure? When you visit a place that you don’t know or have never been, even when you’ve been before, there’s a new world waiting there for you. You just know that you’ll live new experiences, some of them bad experiences (like getting scammed in a bus in Indonesia), but most of them will be great experiences that you know for sure you will bring back home with you and your luggage. What is life if not experiences?

Why do you explore? You can’t just go somewhere and expect something to happen, you must go out, get there inside the mess, and experience everything about it. For me, that’s one of the most important things about photography: you must get inside the mess.


Why take risks in life? Life without risks would be very easy, but also very boring. Only if you risk something can you win something you desire.


Where are you from? Barcelona!

What is your 9-5? At the moment, I’m studying for a national medical examination for graduate school in Spain. I just graduated in June!


When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? I’ve always loved science and was curious about how the human body works. At first, I wanted to be the one who would discover the AIDS vaccine, and as I grew up I knew I wanted to be a doctor. However, when I was 15, after a trip to Scotland where I took as many photos as I could with an old compact camera, my parents gave me a camera as a present and I’ve loved photography since then. 


Favorite place you've visited? I always think there’s no place better than the other one, I tend to think the best is yet to come. For example, I’ve been to Bali 2 times and I lived it very differently both times, so it is more about how you live it than the place itself. Oh, but I fell in love with the West Coast in the USA and Indonesia, to be fair.

Place you most desperately want to visit? I’ve always wanted to visit the arctic and a lot of places in Africa, such as Kenya and Namibia.

 What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you’ve experienced while traveling? There was this woman in Indonesia who ran a small hotel. She didn’t have a penny in her pocket when she was young and tried her hardest to get to university. She worked very hard to be what she wanted to be. Now that she doesn’t have any financial problems, she has built a business in which she not only gives the best local experience to her guests but also hires local young women and men and pays them 3 times the usual salary in the area to help them be able to be what they want to be. One of the workers was very happy to work there and was building a new house for him and his family. Most of the business managers just want to make money, I was amazed by how this woman helped her employees.


What has changed about you because of your travels? I’ve been in almost deserted beaches where you couldn’t count all the plastic objects in the sand. I’ve seen people throwing rubbish from the car in the middle of the road and the monkeys waiting on the edge to get something because they know almost everyone does it. That’s so sad and got me thinking about how beautiful the world is, how we are destroying it, and we’re not realizing the damage we do. We must change our lifestyle if we want it to survive.

Who is the most dynamic and thought provoking person you've ever met?
My best friend left Spain when we started uni. She studied in London and she’s become an epidemiologist. She’s been in Kenya literally saving people’s lives with just a drinking tap water, and now she’s working in Mozambique and I can assure you she’s making a change in the world. 


If you could travel with one person in history or present who would it be and why? I would like to travel with some local that’s been trying to change the place for best, sometimes the unknown people are the most important ones.


Must haves for travel? A passport and a camera!

Travel tips? Buy the flights 4-5 months before the trip if you can. That’s my best option when traveling, it allows me to spend the money in the best places rather than on the flight itself because it’s cheaper! I also try to meet the locals, they’re going to help you and maybe you’ll discover something “instagrammers” just don’t know yet.


Give us a story from one of your trips that will be impactful to the readers? When you live in the first world, you don’t really know how poor people are in some places. I’ve seen a man in Morocco biting a rat in the streets. That’s something you would never do or think anyone could ever do. But some people, in some places, have a life you can’t imagine and maybe it is not as far as you would think it is.


Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? We are not alone. People who really care are not alone. We can make a change, we just have to take a step forward.

What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? Your life isn’t forever, what are you waiting for?


What is the single greatest lesson you’ve learned from someone that is different than you? That being different than me is not a bad thing. That’s something a lot of people should learn: there’s no need to (and you just can’t) hate people just because they’re different from you.

What would you say to your former self? Do everything you want to do, don’t ever be afraid!


What gives you hope? Humanity is better than we think.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone. What did you learn from that lesson? We were on a bus in Indonesia and we were the only western people for miles around. We knew that the public bus ride was just 2 dollars each, and a random guy asked us for 20 each. We looked at the driver looking for help and he didn’t stop the scam, instead of that, he asked for those 20 dollars with more hostility than the first one. You just have to breathe and try to make yourself understandable. If you can’t win, you’ll laugh about it when you get home!

Where to next? London! In our study break in October


Is flannel always in season? For sure, at any season for moody photography 

Learn more about Edgar’s travels and a glimpse at their life on their Instagram account!


Where do I Want to Adventure to Next? — Mayank Thammalla

Ben Ashby

Why do you adventure / Why do you explore? I grew up in a small coastal town in New Zealand, exposed to nature and this has influenced me to always explore more of the natural world.  I had started to appreciate the outdoors more once I began to take photos about 7 years ago, so photography and adventure go hand in hand for me. Photography to me is a very therapeutic process. To be able to take away a framed memory of a certain place or moment comes with a certain privilege.

Why take risks in life? I think big strides forward can never be taken in the comfort zones of life.

Where are you from? Born: Hyderabad, India. Home: Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. Currently: London, UK.

What is your 9-5? Currently a Junior Architect working in London.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? I wanted to be astronomer. My grandmother bought me a telescope when I was 11 years old and I remember spending countless nights staring at the stars.

Favorite place you've visited? Very hard to answer because there are a few places that come to mind. Tongariro National Park in New Zealand is mind blowing. Iceland and the Faroe Islands were on the top of my bucket list and I finally visited a few months ago!

Place you most desperately want to visit? Northern Norway, Greenland and more of Iceland!

What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you've experienced while traveling? Traveling through India with my parents in 2014, my dad wanted us to experience some authentic modes of getting around Jaipur; one being the man powered rickshaw. I was very uncomfortable with the idea, even more so when the cyclist of our rickshaw changed in the last minute to an elderly gentleman who would have easily been around 65-70 years old. I shared the rickshaw with my mom who was also felling very uncomfortable. Throughout the 15-minute journey I was trying jump off and help him to push us along or to make him stop but I didn’t.  It still makes me teary thinking about it. My mom and I decided that this was wrong, but it was his only source of an income; she grabbed his hand and closed them with a few notes in it. He gave us the warmest and whole-hearted smile and hugged my mother.

What has changed about you because of your adventures/ travels? Slow down and be in the present – that moment will never come back! I used to tend to always let my mind wonder and think about yesterday or plan for tomorrow when not realizing that the best moment you have is right now (sounds cliché I know but it’s true). It wasn’t until I heard the whispers of the mountains or the deafening silence of the woods that really got my attention and created moments where I lost track of time…  Made me realize how beautiful and rare our time is on this planet. I feel, the more you pause and awake to the present, you will realize how great your life is.

Who is the most dynamic and thought-provoking person you've ever met? For me, not one person has been most dynamic or thought provoking. My family and my very small knit of friends are all dynamic in their own way who have all impacted and shaped my life.

If you could travel with one person in history or in present who would it be and why? My grandfathers. I never got to spend too much time with them and it would be amazing to hear all their stories and adventures while going on an epic hike!

Must haves for travel: Sketch book, camera, open mind.

Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? Be patriotic towards Earth as a whole. Not just what is good towards your country.

What would you say to someone who has never travelled before? Give it a go, you won’t regret it!

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you? No one is you, and that is your greatest power.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone? What did you learn from that lesson? Doing a TED Talk in 2017! I had absolutely no prior experience or confidence speaking in front of people, let along a large crowd. But with months of work and practice, anything can be achieved if you are well prepared!

What would you say to your former self? Be you… The world will adjust…

What gives you hope? I have always believed in the ‘good’ in people. There is ‘good’ in everyone, if they like it or not.

Where to next? Eastern Europe and Tromsø, Norway!

Is flannel always in season? Always (wearing one now)!

Learn more about Mayank’s travels and a glimpse at their life at her website and their Instagram account!

A Conversation with Jörn Henn

Ben Ashby

German based photographer Jorn Henn has quickly become one of our favorite photographers. His moody vibes and greens and blues have us captivated. The landscapes he shares have us dreaming of escaping the cities and heading deep into nature! We sat down with him to learn more.

Why do you adventure? Why do you explore?

My biggest motivation is keeping moments. I love to be outside in nature feeling the elements. I am a very curious person as well. That’s why I love to visit and explore new countries or places.

Why take risks in life?

It’s more fun. Without risks, life would be boring and you would not be able to surpass oneself.

Where are you from?

Cologne, Germany.

What is your 9-5?

I am an art historian.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be?

A famous architect.

Favorite place you've visited.

Rio de Janeiro and the Dolomites.

Place you most desperately want to visit.

New Zealand and South Africa. 

What is the single greatest moment of humanity you've experienced while traveling?

Meeting poor people. Like, really poor people. And the fact that when you realize that their struggle is connected to the global economy. 

What has changed about you because of your travels?

I became more attentive about my needs and about climate and environment.

Who is the most dynamic and thought provoking person you've ever met?

I met Edda Moser, a German opera singer, during a lecture at the Cologne Opera House. Her voice was recorded singing Mozart’s Magic Flute aria “Queen Of The Night”, which is part of the Voyager Golden Record. 

If you could travel with one person in history or in present, who would it be and why?

Otto the Great. He was a Roman German emperor in the 10th century. The kingdom of Germany was a travel kingdom, meaning because of its huge size, the German kings and emperors had no static residence. Several spread over the whole country, and he had to live a nomad’s life, like a lot of explorers do now. Well, and I’ve loved knights since my childhood.

Must haves for travel / travel tips?

Good shoes and a good jacket.

Give us a story any kind of story from one of your trips that will be impactful to the reader.

The feeling of slowing down when you are in the mountains. No rush and no stress. And the fact that you have to choose your equipment since you cannot carry everything with you.

Based on your travels, what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger?

A change in economy. I think big multinational companies and their urge of growth is one of the causes of the climate change and crimes against humanity.

What would you say to someone who has never travelled before?

Travel and collect moments and take off your blinders. That you don’t need to travel fast. That there are nice spots just around the corner.

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you?

My grandfather. He thought me to ask questions, not following the mass and trust one’s own heart (he was a soldier in WWII).

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone? What did you learn from that lesson?

During exams or just when I have to give proof about my skills. E.g. when you ask me for this. But I learned to fight against these fears and keep them small. Hiking helped me as well. The first glimpse of a mountains I wanna climb is always frightening. But on top, you feel like a king! 

What would you say to your former self?

Trust yourself and your skills!

What gives you hope?

That love always wins.

Where to next?

Italy and Rome in October.

Is flannel always in season?

Flannel is always classy. Love it.

Take Better Portraits: Tips from Emil Cohen

Ben Ashby

Sometimes you meet people in random places. Sometimes you meet characters that need to be photographed. This Christmas season as people are gathering together we wanted to propose the idea of taking portraits of friends and family. To learn more about taking the perfect portrait we asked five of our photographer friends about their portraits and for tips on how to make yours better. 

Our first photographer is New York based Emil Cohen. I ran into Emil at American Field in Brooklyn earlier this month and knew right away I wanted to go to him for advice. I quickly introduced him to Brandon and they did a dual portrait session. Tomorrow we will see Brandon's portraits of Emil, but today it is all about Emil and his advice to you...



Who are you. Where are you. Give us your links. I'm Emil Cohen, I'm a New York based photographer specializing in portraits and people. You can see my work at / and 

How long have you been a photographer? Is it your main job? I've been an amateur photographer my whole life. Photography has been a family interest dating back to the 19th century.  In 2011, I began the graduate program at Tufts University's School of the Museum of Fine Art and received my MFA in 2014. I mark my first day of grad school as when I became a professional photographer.




When did you take your first portrait? I can't tell you when I took my first portrait, but I do remember the first time one of my portraits was recognized outside of my immediate world. It was August of 2009, and I had one more semester of college left. I had taken a photo with an alpaca earlier that summer and decided to enter the photo into a contest run by The Student Travel Agency, an internationally renowned company for students and young adults who want to travel the world. When they announced my name on Facebook, I "whooped!" so loudly, that I got yelled at by my superior at my internship at National Geographic. But it didn't matter because part of the winning prize was a free trip to Europe! By December, I was off on a plane and would be back for eight weeks. Photo below: 





How have you progressed over time? What do you feel has been your most improved quality? Over time, I feel that my aesthetic has become stronger. I continue to study other photographers and artists whom I admire, but rather than mimic them, I try to incorporate what I love about their work and apply it to my own vision. My most improved quality has definitely been the working dynamic that I create with my subject. As a photographer who specializes in portraits, it's crucial to have the person who's in front of the camera trust you, the photographer. In doing so, they let their guard down which will therefore, allow me to capture a true version of themselves. Sometimes you're given days or hours, and sometimes just a few minutes, but each experience has to be unique and met with the same amount of tenacity and determination.  




What makes for a good portrait? To me, a good portrait is an image of person or place that shows the true version of who or what they really are.. There is a fine line between a headshot and a portrait, and the difference is honesty. With a headshot, you're trying to sell yourself to a casting agent which, while it's an attractive photos of a person, might not showcase who they really are. Photographers like Peter Hujar, Irving Penn and William Klein are portrait photographers who stripped away the background and forced a viewer to gaze at the subject head on. Then you have photographers like Alec Soth, Larry Clark and Nan Goldin who create portraits of places and communities and are just as strong and evocative as the studio photographers. In the end, what all these photographers have in common is that the camera disappears in their work, leaving the viewer gazing into a window of a raw and real moment caught in time. 




Do you prefer natural light or artificial? Why? Both! Natural light and artificial light both have their advantages. A photographer who knows their way around strobes will be able to recreate sunlight using flashes and use the strobes to create intentional dramatic lighting. The key is asking yourself how you want to light the photo before you shoot and then plan accordingly. For my studio portraits, I rely on a defused light which creates a soft and even light on my model, but when I shoot outdoors, I have to decide what time of day and what weather conditions I want to be shooting in. Will it be around dawn or sunset for the Golden Hour lighting? Or do I want a cloudy day that will act as a natural soft box? And look at other people's work that you love and figure out how they did it! Always a useful idea when trying to plan a photo. 

How important is composition and what makes for good composition? This is a tough question because it's so subjective. For me, composition is crucial to achieving the best version of the photo that you envision. A composition will include a few key thoughts such as framing, depth, leading lines, and symmetry. If you need a refresher, here's a great list published on Photography Mad. 





Color or black and white? Both! Before I take a photo, I try to think whether or not the image will be black and white or color. Both palates have their own benefits. Photographers like Penn, Richard Avedon, Horst P Horst, Bruce Davidson, Vivian Maier and Diane Arbus, utilized black and white film to their advantage. These photographers started only having black and white film and therefore thought accordingly: creating photographs that are high in contrast, rich in detail and having the color removed, forced the viewer to gaze specifically at the subject that was being photographed. It's like the Wizard of Oz. The beginning of the film in Kansas features some truly breathtaking cinematography because they knew they were shooting in black and white and therefore, had to think in black and white while they shot it. 

Then Dorthy lands in Oz and all of a sudden, you catch your breath at all the incredible color. 

Color photography is amazing because you get to think differently. With color, you start thinking of complimentary colors, temperature, color balance etc.  I love artists like Cathy Opie, Todd Hido, Joel Sternfeld, Greg Crewdson, Jim Dow and David LeChaplle because of their eye for color and their ability to use the color as tool for composition. 




What camera do you shoot with? Canon 5D Mark iii, Iphone 8 and a Pentax K3000 35mm





Any final advice: Two things: 


1. SLOW DOWN. Taking a 4x5 Large Format class was revolutionary for me because I was forced to slam the breaks on my shooting. Due to the high cost and many steps that it takes to take one image, you as a photographer can't just point and shoot. Large format photography takes time and precision which is often forgotten in a day of digital photography. I challenge any photographer to limit themselves when their out shooting a project or portrait. See how much stronger your work becomes when you allow yourself the time to breathe and think before you shoot. 


2. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. I am of the belief that no idea is truly original anymore. However, that doesn't mean that you can't create original work, it just means understanding the conversation that already exists and how you as an artist can join in on the discussion. Do research online or the library. Whether it's Google, or Tumblr or going to a museum of photo gallery in your city, go and learn about who else is out there. Support your fellow photographers and be inspired at the work their creating. 



The Adventure with Darrin Stevens

Ben Ashby





We've been following Darrin on Instagram for some time now. His landscapes whisk us away to foreign lands and ideal places. We wanted to take a moment to learn more about him, his adventures, and why he explores. 

Why do you Adventure/Explore: Exploring, whether that be camping, hiking or travelling and photographing; I think it pushes me to release a lot of stress and creative thinking that I tend to gather throughout the week. I'm always heavily inspired by other photographers and adventurers/travelers. I often day dream at work and wonder where I'm going to go next. Sometimes, It feels like all the bad is washing away and your mind is fixed on whats ahead. It's a very satisfying feeling living like this and I think it gives purpose and meaning to my own life.


Why take risks in life: I think its super important to be able to get out of your comfort zone every now and then. Taking risks means you'll have new experiences, life changing events that can drastically change your future, if that makes sense. For example, I was sitting at work, miserable. My friend texted me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to travel for 14 days across Canada in the next few weeks. At first, I thought to myself I couldn't make it happen, but I was wrong. I made the choice to make the trip happen no matter what even with whatever my financial situation was at the time. I put my happiness first above everything and pushed myself to go and do it. The trip was one of the best experiences I've had and the people and friends I met along the way has changed me forever.


Where are you from? I'm from a little town called Sutton in Ontario, Canada. It's a small town mostly surrounded by a large lake, farm fields and trees. It's quiet here and I really like that. The countryside is a peaceful place to be. Living here can make you appreciate the smaller things in life and it's played an important part in my photography as well. Capturing genuine moments, whether that be a small moment, or something bigger..



What is your 9-5? I work a full-time job, 40+ hours from Monday to Friday at a job not even worth describing. It will make you fall asleep. I do photography part time, on the weekends, weeknights and whenever I can and make extra cash from this sometimes. I honestly just enjoying taking photos so much. I am currently in the process of changing the lifestyle that I live and getting out of my desk job. This wont happen overnight, but making the small steps in my own future will create happiness further down the line.


When you were growing up, what or who did you want to be? This is a tough question for me to answer, not because it's hard, but because it can be a little emotional for me. I was one of those people constantly all over the place in school, not knowing what or who I wanted to be. I had felt a bit lost. My motivation and interests were in things I knew deep down I didn't even enjoy and it affected me greatly in school. For many years in my youth, I had felt like something was missing and that I was to be apart of a bigger picture - like I was supposed to make a difference in this world. I knew in my heart I had a strong love for the arts, but I was constantly told from everyone that you can't pursue a career in this field and be successful at the same time. After a few years in College, a couple breakups, I realized that maybe who I was at the time was not the right person to be. As time went on, I discovered just exactly who I wanted to be. A strong hard working, independent, genuine man who doesn't need an extravagant life full of luxury and debt-burdening materials. A man who could tell stories and share experiences to others through art. Just to live life the way I had always dreamed of, seeing the world and meeting people with the same mindsets.



Place you most desperately want to visit? I absolutely need to see Alaska/Yukon, Faroe Islands, Patagonia, Colorado/Wyoming/Idaho......The list goes on endlessly. I'm a sucker for mountains and trees though.


What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you've experienced while traveling? On my way home once, I saw an elderly man. He must of been 70+ years old. He was parked off the highway and picking up trash in the nearby meadows all by himself. It was raining and cold. It seemed like he was struggling a bit, and I wish I could of assisted him when I look back on that day. It still brings me to tears thinking about it.


Where to next? I will be planning a trip to Montana first and foremost. There is something so wild about Montana. The small towns surrounded by mountains in the North. The glacier fed lakes and peaks...a land that just feels genuine. So much wild life and culture to be seen.



If you could travel with one person in history or in present who would it be and why? I think if I could travel with anyone, it would be Forrest Mankins. His travels seem real, and more genuine than any other person I know. I don't really know him, but I feel like I do. He doesn't focus on creating photos that blow people away, it seems there's more to them and they tell a story and have so much emotion. He seems like the nicest and coolest guy to hang with. I don't often idolize a lot of people, but I think I would idolize him.


What would you say to someone who has never traveled before? I personally think that the majority of humans are trapped in this very small bubble, working aimlessly and achieving goals that will help them get more luxuries in life. It doesn't have to be that way and I think a lot of people are unhappy and still choose to live this way. I don't see the happiness in that lifestyle anymore. I am completely guilty of this although, but I understand now and I'm making more of an effort to change that. Travelling will give you a better understanding of yourself. It will open you to new ideas, creativity and happiness. If you ever have the opportunity to travel, don't put it past you and try and make it happen. Make valuable memories, don't just wait around and waste your precious life given to you.


What gives you hope? The people I've met who share the same mindsets give me hope each and every day. Many photographers especially share a love for what they're taking photos of. To hear some people talk about wildlife, nature and our earth in a loving way always gives me hope. The people who stand up and fight for what they believe in especially, I really admire.


Is flannel always in season? This is an amazing question, haha. Yes, flannel is always in season, unless you live in Arizona.. Fall especially is my favourite season to wear one!


Must haves for travel? Wherever you're going, bring as much comfort as you can that reminds you of home. I personally bring Christmas lights EVERYWHERE I go. Whether I'm in my tent, or sleeping in my car. The more comfortable you feel, the better you'll feel when you're away.


Thats What Traveling is All About — John Thatcher

Ben Ashby

We've known photographer John Thatcher for years. We've been constantly inspired by his images of California and the life out west. We felt it was time to finally sit down and learn about the man behind the camera. 


Why do you adventure? I adventure and explore so that I can prove to myself that more is out there than what I can see on a screen or magazine. I need to find out how finding these new places or trying new things feels. I already know what it looks like.

Why take risks in life? Life is about takings risks. Whats the point of living if you only live one way for your whole life?

Where are you from? I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area.

What is your 9-5? I'm a fashion and lifestyle photographer for a day job and a songwriter for my non day job.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? Growing up I wanted to be a professional skateboarder. I was pretty close to almost kind of sorta doing it.

What is the favorite place you've visited? My favorite place I've visited was the Saguaro Cactus Reserve. I love me some cacti.


Life Begins Outside Your Comfort Zone — Mike Kelley

Ben Ashby

Below is a preview of my conversation with Boston based photographer Mike Kelley.


Mike Kelley is a Maine native, Boston resident, and wanderlust at heart that stole our hearts with his calm landscapes, cloudy skies, and images of coastal New England culture.

Why do you explore? I explore for one simple reason, fear of missing out. There are so many places in this world, without exploring and putting myself out there I am scared that I will miss out on truly incredible experiences. 

Why take risks in life? Life begins outside your comfort zone.

 Where are you from? Manchester, Maine.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? Growing up...well as a kid...I wanted more than anything to be a paleontologist. I was very much obsessed with dinosaurs and fossils so it was my dream to search for them as a career. Coincidentally I also loved managing money...this is what lead me to the finance field.

Give us a story: 17,000 ft. That’s how high I was in the Bolivian Andes when I blacked out. No memory of the last 1,300 ft of hiking. If you know anything about me, I sometimes make spontaneous, questionable decisions, this was one of those…I arrived in La Paz Bolivia the night before, a city that sits at 11,000ft above sea level. Most people have a hard time breathing the first couple days in the city and many get sick from the lack of oxygen. For some reason, I was fine. I noticed some pressure in my lungs, but nothing I wasn’t already used to. I arrived to my hostel at 10pm on a Monday night, knowing full well that I had Tuesday free (I had planned to do the death road on Wednesday) I called up a local travel agency that was still open and booked a hike for the following morning. 7am I met up with my guide, Choco who didn’t speak a lick of English and we headed into the mountains. A two hour drive and we arrived at the mountain base. A hike with just over 4,000 ft of elevation gain. I can do this easy peasy I thought. We headed up. Within an hour my head ache was becoming unbearable, my vision began to blur, my stomach felt like it was being stabbed constantly by a knife. I had NEVER in my life felt so unbelievably uncomfortable. Symptoms I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. As stubborn as I was, I pushed forward, higher and higher. The symptoms got worse. Little did I know I was entering the early stages of a very serious condition, HAPE, High Altitude Pulmonary Edema. I pushed onward, until I couldn’t anymore. Choco braced me as I lay on the rocks and forced our trip back down the mountain. 17,113ft…I made it just 100 ft. from the summit he later told me in his broken English. This day changed my life, I realized the overwhelming power of nature, something I will never, ever doubt again. So let it be known, take risks in life, but make sure they are calculated or else you may never have the opportunity again.


Romance Your Wild — Jay McDonald

Ben Ashby


Jay McDonald brings a quality to adventure and photography that is met with equal amounts of humble humor and top notch skills. Known for his portraits in nature and his crystal clear landscapes he has stolen our hearts with his love of the wild.

Why do you adventure? Well, to be honest I have severe ADHD and I can’t stand being in one place for a long period of time. I wish I had a more poetic and whimsical answer for you but that’s the real life truth right there haha.

Why do you explore? I think deep down inside of every one of us there is always  that little curious spark. We were built to get up, go further, run faster, etc.. And simply because it’s 2018, a lot of people have settled. I just can’t be one of those people. The nomadic life is long gone, but there’s still a little bit of nomad left in each one of us.

Why take risks in life? Life is too short not to. My older brother Kylan killed himself when I was 16 years old. That same summer, my life long very best friend’s Dad did the same. Prior to that, my Uncle (and more.. the list goes on but I think you get the point). It feels like I have been surrounded by sudden death from mental health and other things my whole life. I value fulfillment, happiness, joy, adventure and love over anything else. The statistics that you and I should both not be alive right now are too high not to do something crazy and live a little. As cliche as it is for me to say this, you have to “Romance Your Wild”, because today might be your last chance. 

What is your 9-5? I am a full time commercial photographer (yes not everything I shoot looks like my Instagram)... I had pursued a promising career in exotic dancing but apparently “Chip and Whales” wasn’t very marketable and I wasn’t willing decrease my carbs or fat load. If I am going to bring home the bacon, I am gonna eat it too.