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American Made Favorites

MADE Authentic

Ben's October favorites. All authentically made goods.

Each month I will pick my 9 favorite items of the month. Each item is produced by a friend of mine and is made to the top quality and integrity. While checking out the items be sure to browse each maker's website. I guarantee you'll love each of them just as much as I do.


From Left to Right: 1) Aviate Airport Themed Hats. 2) Elizabeth Suzanne Shoes. 3) Yield Design Co. French Press. 4) Great Bear Wax Co. Candles. 5) Mark Albert Boots. 6) Filson Bomber Coats. 7) AHeirloom Cake Stand. 8) The Village Common Candles. 

Introducing rogersmade

Our friends from Tennessee have recently launched their new website. Hop over and check it out. We highly recommend giving the honey a try! VISIT ROGER'S MADE

Celebrating Style & Treasuring Beauty

An introduction to Earth Angel's Studios. Enter the whimsical and enchanting world of Jen O'Connor and her cast of all women folk artists. I've long admired Jen and the fabulous work she curates. | EARTH ANGEL'S STUDIOS