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Ian Andrew Nelson

IAN ANDREW NELSON is aN AWARD-WINNING PHOTOGRAPHER, WRITER and vice president of remember nhu, an anti-Human trafficking nonprofit. ian lives with his family in portland, OR and his work can be found at You can also follow his meanderings on instagram, so take a look!

iceland dream wedding

I took these photos during an exotic trip to Iceland for the wedding of my dream friends Joe and Maddie Greer. I was not the wedding photographer (that was Greg Woodman) but I had such a great time exploring this wonderful, arctic island and documenting this magical trip that I will forever cherish.

From Paris With Love

A few selects from a romantic weekend in Paris. Featuring Sarah Nelson, also known as Home Girl PDX.

Beasts of Kenya

I've always loved photographing animals. Here are some selects from a few safaris I took in Kenya while doing some work for my anti-human trafficking nonprofit Remember Nhu