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Where do I Want to Adventure to Next? — Mayank Thammalla


Where do I Want to Adventure to Next? — Mayank Thammalla

Ben Ashby

Why do you adventure / Why do you explore? I grew up in a small coastal town in New Zealand, exposed to nature and this has influenced me to always explore more of the natural world.  I had started to appreciate the outdoors more once I began to take photos about 7 years ago, so photography and adventure go hand in hand for me. Photography to me is a very therapeutic process. To be able to take away a framed memory of a certain place or moment comes with a certain privilege.

Why take risks in life? I think big strides forward can never be taken in the comfort zones of life.

Where are you from? Born: Hyderabad, India. Home: Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. Currently: London, UK.

What is your 9-5? Currently a Junior Architect working in London.

When you were growing up what or who did you want to be? I wanted to be astronomer. My grandmother bought me a telescope when I was 11 years old and I remember spending countless nights staring at the stars.

Favorite place you've visited? Very hard to answer because there are a few places that come to mind. Tongariro National Park in New Zealand is mind blowing. Iceland and the Faroe Islands were on the top of my bucket list and I finally visited a few months ago!

Place you most desperately want to visit? Northern Norway, Greenland and more of Iceland!

What is the single greatest moment of human humanity you've experienced while traveling? Traveling through India with my parents in 2014, my dad wanted us to experience some authentic modes of getting around Jaipur; one being the man powered rickshaw. I was very uncomfortable with the idea, even more so when the cyclist of our rickshaw changed in the last minute to an elderly gentleman who would have easily been around 65-70 years old. I shared the rickshaw with my mom who was also felling very uncomfortable. Throughout the 15-minute journey I was trying jump off and help him to push us along or to make him stop but I didn’t.  It still makes me teary thinking about it. My mom and I decided that this was wrong, but it was his only source of an income; she grabbed his hand and closed them with a few notes in it. He gave us the warmest and whole-hearted smile and hugged my mother.

What has changed about you because of your adventures/ travels? Slow down and be in the present – that moment will never come back! I used to tend to always let my mind wonder and think about yesterday or plan for tomorrow when not realizing that the best moment you have is right now (sounds cliché I know but it’s true). It wasn’t until I heard the whispers of the mountains or the deafening silence of the woods that really got my attention and created moments where I lost track of time…  Made me realize how beautiful and rare our time is on this planet. I feel, the more you pause and awake to the present, you will realize how great your life is.

Who is the most dynamic and thought-provoking person you've ever met? For me, not one person has been most dynamic or thought provoking. My family and my very small knit of friends are all dynamic in their own way who have all impacted and shaped my life.

If you could travel with one person in history or in present who would it be and why? My grandfathers. I never got to spend too much time with them and it would be amazing to hear all their stories and adventures while going on an epic hike!

Must haves for travel: Sketch book, camera, open mind.

Based on your travels what is the single most needed improvement for humanity to be stronger? Be patriotic towards Earth as a whole. Not just what is good towards your country.

What would you say to someone who has never travelled before? Give it a go, you won’t regret it!

What is the single greatest lesson you've learned from someone that is different than you? No one is you, and that is your greatest power.

When did you feel you were most out of your comfort zone? What did you learn from that lesson? Doing a TED Talk in 2017! I had absolutely no prior experience or confidence speaking in front of people, let along a large crowd. But with months of work and practice, anything can be achieved if you are well prepared!

What would you say to your former self? Be you… The world will adjust…

What gives you hope? I have always believed in the ‘good’ in people. There is ‘good’ in everyone, if they like it or not.

Where to next? Eastern Europe and Tromsø, Norway!

Is flannel always in season? Always (wearing one now)!

Learn more about Mayank’s travels and a glimpse at their life at her website and their Instagram account!