2019 A Review
Ben Ashby
2019 was the year that taught a lot about the important things in life. For years it had been a total focus on business and just making things work. 2019 was a year that allowed for personal projects, an examining of what is importance, and the importance of enjoying what you do.
2019 for me focused heavily on rediscovering my love of Slow Living and rural landscapes. The goal was how to integrate those loves in with what FOLK does. Below are a few of my highlights from the year.
The year began with multiple trips to Southern California for warmth away from the cold of New York City. The trips moments in Joshua Tree and Palm Springs made the trip one of my favorite adventures in a very long time.
The year then became incredibly busy as I guest edited the Slow Living issue of Where Women Cook. The issue featured recipes and stories from many of my slow living friends. Together we explored rural areas, old-fashioned recipes, and stories worth sharing. The issue ended up being the highest selling issue of Where Women Cook to date. The issue is sold out, but you can find many of the stories on our website.
Summer set on and we released a special issue of FOLK. This was the first issue in many years and was truly something I am proud of. We will follow up this year with two issues of FOLK, but more on that later. The 2019 issue focused on landscapes and conversations as we returned to our roots and focused on Americana and story telling. The issue is sold out, but you can download a digital copy in our online shop.
Fall was dedicated to soaking in as much color as possible. Many trips throughout New England made for beautiful images and memorable weekends from Maine to Pennsylvania.
The Christmas season was spent largely in my hometown as part of the downtown Christmas shop.
2020 opens with an exciting year ahead after a beautiful year ahead of growth and spreading of wings.