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Westcoast Backroads


Westcoast Backroads

Ben Ashby

from FOLK issue 1 | K. Taylor | 2011

In this vastly diverse country, folk means different things in different regions. The one thing that is the same to all folks, however, is the desire to return to a simpler way of life, to enjoy a slower pace, and find joy in the journey rather than the destination. It's appreciating the process, whether it's preparing a wonderful meal for those you love, spending hours in the gardens, tending to your fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers, or shopping at your local farmer's market for the freshest meats, dairy, and produce.

Here on the west coast and probably in many other places - there are so many things that bring joy to folks. It's the smell of laundry after it has dried on the line in the sunshine, or maybe it is those long, leisurely outdoor dinners on summer evenings, surrounded by those you love. It's a picnic by the shore, searching for tiny crabs under rocks and the smell of warm blackberries growing along sandy roads mixed with the scent of salty air. It's the smell of bonfires on cool autumn days, or the sight of golden leaves gently falling as winter approaches. Whether it's the smell of lilacs in the spring, or taking in warm summer breezes, harvesting apples for crumbles and pies and cobblers, or sitting next to a warm fire on a cold winter afternoon, it's all about slowing down and connecting with the people and things around us.

I hope in this column you will find inspiration. I hope you discover what brings us together, as well as be inspired by what makes us different. What we share is this - a common desire to return to a simpler way of life. We aspire to find the things in our lives that give us comfort, or remind us of times gone by. Whether it's your favorite comfort foods slowly and lovingly prepared, or sleeping under the weight of an old quilt made by your great-grandmother years ago, we all share the love of comfort.

In this column you will read about wonderful escapes - destinations here on the west coast that are perfect for a weekend away, maybe longer. I will share some of the best places to find my favorite things: small shops, mom and pops that have been around forever; fabulous vintage flea markets, where things are repurposed and put to good use. I hope you will learn to appreciate things that have a story, that were loved before, and that hopefully you will find a place for in your own home. You will discover wonderful items that are made in America by designers that see the importance of manufacturing things here in the United States.

Most of all, I hope you find the road less traveled, wherever you are.