Visiting Brimfield Antiques Fair? Our Tips! — folk

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Visiting Brimfield Antiques Fair? Our Tips!


Visiting Brimfield Antiques Fair? Our Tips!

Ben Ashby

Brimfield, one of the largest antiques fairs in the country is a must visit spot for the curious and the collectors. We love visiting the September show, but we recommend visiting the May, July, and September dates so you don’t miss a thing. We’ve brought together a few of our best tips to make sure you make the most of your first Brimfield expedition.

ARRIVE EARLY - the day will be long, but you'll be grateful for every extra minute you have when the day is winding down and you still have a whole field to get through.

BRING WATER - everything is expensive, so if you don't bring snacks and drinks, plan to spend a little more than you'd like for things - the established businesses like the Apple Barn Cafe -located central to the entire market- are going to be the cheapest option for beverages.

TIME IS MONEY - At Brimfield where there is so much to see and no chance of making it to every single booth in a day, Time is money, and it's easy to be distracted by midcentury modern beauties, but if you live in a pre-revolution colonial, it's just expensive window shopping. The same is true for the inverse, you may like to look at French country cabinets, but will they really look good in your craftsman bungalow?

DRIVE THE CORRECT VEHICLE - bring the car with the biggest cargo capacity you have available to you, just in case you find that perfect piece that won't fit in the back seat of your Corolla - or you will be strapping it to the roof... Trust me, I've done it. - on that note... Bring rope, ratchet straps, moving blankets, and anything you might need to strap that ca. 1775 pie safe to the roof of said Corolla.

DON’T WAIT, BUT BE SMART - if the price is good and you love it, then buy it when you find it, odds are there is someone else right behind you that's going to benefit from the deal of a lifetime while you're walking around and contemplating it.

GET BUSINESS CARDS -if there is a maker or retailer that has something you want, something they produce and sell regularly, take their card and contact them to order later on - Brimfield is better served as the place to buy one of a kind antiques and oddities, not commercially or individually produced items that can be replicated.

BE SMART (AGAIN) - take antique dealers labels and stories with a grain of salt - unless someone has a 3rd party verification of provenance on a piece, try to remember that they're also trying to make the sale.

BEWARE - beware of counterfeits, reproductions, and faux finishes!

WATCH THE CLOCK - don't spend too much time in any one field, there are so many things to stop and look at, try to be discerning about which things you spend your time on.

HAVE A FRIEND - if you're shopping with someone who is going at a different pace, it's ok to split up - just have a plan to meet back up.

KNOW THE FIELDS - if you're only there for the day, skip the fields that charge admission, there is so much to see for free. If you know there is a specific vendor or field specializing in your interest, by all means, pay the fee and live your life!

LUNCH - if you must spend money on food, there is only one real option, just get the Brimfield Pilgrim Sandwich and continue with your day. You can thank me later.

PARKING - park in a centrally located area, not on one end or the other... You may pay $5 more, and you may have an anxiety attack in the human frogger game that is getting in and out of the fair, but your feet and back will thank you when it's time to lug your loot back to the car.

CARRYING YOUR LOOT - carts and wagons are commonplace and very useful, get something agile and lightweight to avoid getting in the way of others.

FIRST TIMERS CLUB - the first time is always a bit overwhelming, I recommend taking a buddy. Over the years and more visits, you will look forward to familiar faces and vendors that you just can't wait to visit and see what they have!

CASH IS KING - As they say, "Cash is King" - many vendors have started accepting credit, debit, and Venmo or CashApp, but real Cash still has the most negotiating power. and, for many vendors, it's still the only form of payment they accept. ATM fees will kill you, so bring some with you. Not too much though! write off the $4 or $5 loss in fees if you need to make a big purchase, consider it insurance cost.

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO - Arrive with an idea of what you might be looking for. This will help keep you on track as you wander the fields. But always keep an open mind for the welcome distraction a true treasure find offers!

BE MANNERLY - There is an etiquette to haggling, remember that the dealers are people, too. If they lower the price, they're doing you a favor, just as much as you are doing them one by purchasing the item. It's a mutually beneficial transaction, treat it as one.