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9 Summer J.Stark Must Haves


9 Summer J.Stark Must Haves

Ben Ashby

In the tornado I lost so many of my favorite totes, one of those was an OG J.Stark tote that had been a key piece in my tote collection (yes I collect American made totes) for many years. I love that I have gotten to watch so many American made brands and makers evolve and grow over the years…and lately J.Stark, based in Charleston, South Carolina has moved back to the front of the pack as one of my perennial favorites. Their use of bright colors and crisp modern designs in my opinion have brought a welcomed air of modernity to the classic American art of leather goods and handmade bags. These are the nine pieces I’m lusting after this summer…

Alder Saddle Bag, Bonnie Belt Bag, Bristol Backpack, Bryant Large Duffle Bag, Franklin Tote Bag, Penrose Tote Bag, J. Stark x Bitter Southerner Sentinel Backpack, Sentinel Backpack XL, Woodbine Logo Tote Bag (click on the photos for links)