My personal journey has also included doing things that carry positive energy and treating my mind and body the way I want them to be treated. At the end of the day you want to feel good. Foods, exercise, socialization, and where we allow ourselves to go all play a part in that. Listening to the voice that says…this is what you NEED, this is where you need to be, this is what you need to do, rather than simply appeasing others and doing what is easiest has been fundamental. If you don’t value yourself, no one else will either.
I went into 2020 knowing I wanted to set goals, not resolutions. I wanted to feel like myself and to channel my passions and talents and my community into my business. I wanted to take nearly a decades worth of lessons and fundamentally build the businesses I wanted to create when I started. I wanted to find a way I could split more time between life in New York City and my hometown in Kentucky, and how I could remember that I have agency in my own life. Every morning, after I’ve said my lines about only doing things I am proud of, I ask the universe to provide me with the tools to make those goals a reality and to put my own strengths to work in getting there. Those simple positive steps have already started a ball rolling that will hopefully allow me to achieve my goals.
So here we are in 2020 and I am taking pride in my business, closing up old business while moving ever forward, treating myself well and good and being proud of who I am and what I do, working to have the means to split my time between the city and the country, and daily rebuilding my love of community, pastoral landscapes, and story telling.
I am excited for the year, and I am finally proud of what I am creating. I hope you’ll follow along….