FOLK's Photography Awards 2021
In what will hopefully be an annual tradition we celebrate the Autumn season with FOLK’s Photography Awards 2021. These awards were inspired by a desire to highlight and promote the very best of the best and the top of the game photographers from all walks of life. From the most epic of landscapes to the most quiet and calm still lifes we are here to celebrate the vision both in front of and behind the lens.
For the month of August we invite you to submit/nominate your favorite photographers in the following nine categories (yes, you are allowed to nominate yourself). We would also like to invite you to submit your very best image for the Autumn Photograph of the Season and Photograph of the Year awards.
This autumn we will come together to celebrate the best of the best from all across the globe, and that celebration begins now! Nominate your favorites below.
Each day of August 2021 we invite you to nominate your favorites in each category or any category you’d like. Please only submit nominations once per day. In early September we will announce the top five nominations in each category. Each of these five nominees in each category will be featured on the FOLK website and social media once the final round of voting is under way. On October 1 we will announce the winner of each category. Each winner will be featured in the Winter 2022 issue of FOLK as well as receive a celebratory plaque. Voting for Photograph of the Year will run October 1 - October 31, with the winner being announced in early November. This winner will also receive a story in the FOLK Winter 2022 issue as well as a celebratory plaque. SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS BELOW:
Submit your favorite image for consideration of the top honor — Photograph of the Year! It can be any photo of any genre or subject, it just needs to be photographed by you.
The season is here, the eternal colors and spirit of the Autumn season. Submit your best Autumn shot. It can be any Autumn themed photo, it just needs to be photographed by you.